Another year, another new look for the blog

Okok, since the last post related to the blog itself, it's about 6 months now and I have decided to change the look again. 1 main reason to change it is that the previous template seems to have a very squeezy look to it, like everything is cramped to the centre, and not much is happening on the left and right side of the page. I feel that this change better utilised the screen estate of the page and also provided a better way to access the different labels I have created.

As per before, I'm using a free template (there's many out there, if you need help, just pay for it, totally worth it. If you are code savvy, I think it's easier to adapt it to use it like myself.), and this time I found it on SoraTemplates. The template name is Motive Mag. Great layout! This time, the main stuff taking up the top part of the page are my latest posts and no longer just a series of rotating pictures.

Also, the original template itself contains a cross column section that I would very much love to utilise.

But the coding where they design the callback was hard to understand or adapt for my usage. They have made it so that the cross column section display the latest articles as well, and I couldn't find(or rather google) a way to change the algorithm to display the older articles randomly. Hmpt.

In the end I replaced it instead.

This section is now replaced with a auto scroll Instagram widget which IMO blown the template's setup. Lol. I love it.

Somehow the Pinterest widget fails to display in this template correctly. After multiple tries, I've decided to keep that on the backshelf.

This year, I've also added a couple of interesting pages to the blog.

First, now my page has a dedicated About Us page. Be sure to check it out!!!! It's amazing!

I've also setup a suggestion box page. Just in case any good Samaritans out there wanted to contribute ideas to me. :p

And lastly, the blog has a dedicated Error 404 page. Many thanks to the template creator.  

Any comments are welcome below. :)

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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.


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