Singapore is not a COUNTRY!

Yeah, and we got to know that Singapore is not a COUNTRY through our Law Minister. How great! Finally the govt has decided that they doesn't want Singapore to grow as a country. And SM Goh still can feels he doesn't understand why Singaporean feels disconnected? Oh c'mon. Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said Singapore could not afford to have a ratio of more than 40% foreign workers. 40%? Hello?

Does anyone know our birth rate for boys and girls? 974 boys to 1000 girls. So that means for the population of 100% of which 60% are Singaporeans, only less than 20% are doing national service to protect the country CITY (I'm presuming 10% of the male population aren't old enough to fuk a girl, let alone carry a rifle). Why force people to do NS when the country is opening up to become a global city where anyone can come and go like its a hotel? When in times of War, who's gonna stay? Who's gonna pay for all the war funds?

Funny how Singapore has come to this.

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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.