Chopstick Chopsticks - Shaun, Jo, Abbey made their appearances!

Just a couple of weeks ago, I went out with a few of my colleagues for lunch at Ajisen Ramen(Yeah! Birthday treat!). Shaun whom admitted that he seldom eat Asian food, was having a horrible time at lunch. He was fumbling with the his chopsticks, and couldn't manage to finish his ramen. Haha. Two days ago, we went to another Japanese restaurant for lunch again. This time, after some hardwork(something like 5 min) put in, yeah! Shaun has learnt the trick to holding a pair of chopsticks! And he's able to finish off his meals entirely without using spoon. Some feat huh. And for those who doesn't know how to hold a pair of chopsticks properly, watch this. That's the correct way to hold the chopsticks. Easy? Now go and practice.
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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.


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