Yeah~~ My 100th post! (including Gif of the day - Dancing girls)

It's number 100 for this blog! Seems like I took forever to get here. But I'm HERE. Haha.

This blog was started back in 2010 on my birthday in June. I had originally intended to make this just a comic type only blog about my family.
Remember these?

Bitstrips carried the blog for quite sometime after I started up. A travel post, couple of photo posts on stuff that I drew myself, but mostly it's driven by Bitstrips posts. Along the way, I got sidetracked by being a parent for a first time, by stepping in work force again after Uni, plus scripting each Bitstrip posts takes many hours to do. And so the posts get lesser and lesser with each passing month, and then I completely stopped in 2013. Sad short life for the blog eh?

Fast forward a year. I found this cool tool: ComicLife from Plasq. It triggered a series of blog posts from me again, this time with our faces in the windows of each comic. :D Also, thanks to Google, which provided many awesome tools to generate Gifs, and Videos,  It helps tremendously when you have no mood/ideas to create a comic strips on a Saturday afternoon, that you can use Gifs created by the tool to get by till the next week. The thing with blogging is once you stop, it takes a while to pick it up again.

Time really do flies. which year will post number 200th be in? 2018? 2024?

Well maybe the kids can carry on when they are older. We'll make this a treasure trove of memories. Fun to read, with many loves.

With that part done, The Gifs of today - Dancing girls

A little side step to the left. uh huh...
Michael - Face palm - Jackson 

I'm spinning around, move out my way...I know you're feelin' me 'cause you like it like this

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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.


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