What functionalities/ features did I put on my blog?

Alright, today blog post is a unique one. I haven't been writing a lot on my blog as I mainly used it to display my comic and video creations. Today however, I'm going to discuss about what I have implemented for my blog.

Let me just explain from the very beginning. I started off with the most basic templates provided by Blogger to create my blog. I have decided to use Blogger because it's free. And for my purpose of blogging, it's more than sufficient. However, down the years it became boring, and I find that the differentiation isn't there between my blog and others. Hence, I need to find a new template to freshen things up.

First, finding a template that meets my needs and feel. The main needs:
1. Sorting of posts by label
2. Magazine looks, less traditional blog feel, Suits pictures and videos.
3. Best if it can shift the posts randomly much like Windows 8 live tiles.

I found my current template on this site: http://www.templateism.com .This free Blogger template is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits both personal and commercial use.

I felt the template satisfy the 1 and 3/4 of of my required needs. The most important point, sorting by labels is definitely the main one that attracts me to the template. The looks is something like a half way cross between a magazine layout and the traditional blog layout. And while the posts don't randomly flick like live tiles do, the main image windows do flip and creates a 'responsive' feel to it. 

There are alot of sites that provide free templates for your blogger/wordpress sites. Just google it. While you are free to download the templates, there are no support provided to assist you in setting up the blog. You can pay for the support by paying a small premium. I didn't. I had some programming background and it allows me to customise as best as my understanding allows me. I think I can do better, but I'll settle for the features I've managed to make work right now. 

Now, I won't be going through the deep details of which element and code to change, because I don't wish to hurt the income of these wonderful people who created the template. If you have no programming knowledge, I think a little bit of investment is worth your trouble. 

But I will go through the list of features I've put in, and where to find the support. 

1. Google + profile.
This one is simple. Associate your Google + profile by setting it up in the Blogger dashboard.

2. Rounded profile pictures

3. Pinterest gadget 
Somehow Instagram don't appeals to me. I love Pinterest. I love how Pinterest allows you to pin all kind of pictures you found on the internet into a collection.

4. Facebook Like button
This is the official guide to create the button.

5. Google +1 button
I put in my code by following this. The official guide is alien to me. My advice? Stay clear. Google for better step by step guide. OR... read further below.. I'll explain later. 

6. Pin it Hover button
Did I mention I love Pinterest? Yeah, and since my blog contains many pictures, I did add the hover button feature using this guide. While technically speaking, I don't expect people would want to pin my pictures, but then if they like the comics and travelmics I've created, I'll be more than happy that they get shared around. 

7. Facebook comments
While I've turned off comments in the past, and subsequently when I use comments box, I was on Google + comments box, I still feel Facebook comments will allow more people to comment. Not that I think I will receive comments, but I read that you should always allow your readers somewhere to voice out. Alright, so that's what I did. I tried to leave the Google + comment box around, but it isn't possible, so I switched it off and use the original comment box. Thereafter, I added the facebook comment box following this.  

If you still remember on point 5 I said I'll explain further, you need to know that you do not need to spend the time to insert individual buttons like I've done. I have my reasons in using the individual buttons by itself, but you can have it easier by using any of these services. 


Both sites provide simple to employ the social sharing functionality you want. Their layout is definitely better than mine. And it's free. Go check it out.

So what do you think of my blog and the features I've implemented so far? I've left a poll below. Leave your comments in the Facebook comment box I've added!!!!

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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.


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