2 years abroad changes alot of things...

I've been looking in the mirrors this days.. I kinda dun recognise myself... Its been well-known among my friends that I'm skinny. But the next time they see me, they might drop their jaws off... In a couple of months, I've put on weight like never before. This is probably the first time I weigh past 60kg. And tipping the scales at 68kg now, I'm a full 10Kg heavier than my heaviest state in Singapore. In 28 years of my life, I had never been near the 60k mark, and now just after 2 years in Australia, I'm approaching the 70k mark. Huh.

Is it the food or the life? Or am I under too much stress in Singapore? Or ....is it because I'm going on 30s in a few months time?

Anyway, this is a life-changing period for me. A soon-to-be father in a month time, a soon-to-be-grad in 9 months time, what else will change for me?
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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.


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