Results are out. But I'm devastated.

My results are out. After two weeks of waiting. 1 High Distinction, 1 Distinction, and 1 credit. My heart broke after the 'credit' word was shown printed on that topic. Its suppose to be the one I should score! Believe it or not, this is the first time I've shed tears for any of my academic papers. Not even when I flung my 'O' levels (that resulted me going through the longer and stupid education path )have I been so horribly shaken by 1 result. This is the only one.

Not that I'm so confident of getting a High D for that, but at the very minimum I should be getting Distinction. I spent so much time doing the Assignments, spent 1 whole week studying this paper( whereas the other 2 paper - The HD paper I used 1 day to study, the Distinction paper I used 3 days), yet the result are much much worse than I can ever imagine!

I have lodged an enquiry to check up on this horrendous result. Hopefully my pride can be restored.
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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.