How has life been for me in Australia?

Tick tok, tick tok, Its one year since I first step foot on the land down under. Its been a major cultural change for me. On the language, food, and weather. I've began to adapt to the cold weather here, imagine- we sweat profusely in Singapore due to the high humidity in the air, here, I've not sweat a single drip for a long long time... Language. Yeah, we use English in Singapore, but the accent we had due to Singlish, makes it hard for the Aussies to understand us. Seriously, the education needs to buck up on that, I realised. Hopefully that'll get better as I communicate more with them... Food, that's the hardest to get use to. The Laksa here don't taste like the laksa we have in Singapore. Authentic taste I mean. And here, all the chinese food stall like 'Pakat'(meaning-arranged)one, almost every restaurant sells the same beef, same chicken, or veg. There's no variety. And the food that I mostly consume here? Subway. And yes, even Subway is starting to taste horrible if you eat it every other day...

Time flies. 1 year past just like that. 7 topics all passed. Half of them HD, a couple of Credits. Studying while working part time. My life has been a chore some of the time, but it's definitely a life changing period in my 29 years of existence.

And having said all that, there's always a her. Thank you.
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About Andy

A father to two pretty and active princesses. A husband to the most hardworking woman of his life. A Business Analyst during weekdays, a regular blogger by weekends.